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  • mckennedyauthor

Unfortunate Events

"But the LORD was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison" (Genesis 39:21).

Joseph's story could easily be described as a series of unfortunate events. He grows up as his father's favorite, for many years the baby of the family. He gets special attention, and one day, he has dreams that seem to predict he will become a great ruler.

His brothers become even more envious of him when they learn of his dreams, so they decide to get rid of him. They won't kill him; how could they possibly kill their own flesh? Instead, they sell him to a passing band of traders and send him down to Egypt.

In Egypt, Joseph is sold to the captain of Pharaoh's guard and becomes his trusted steward. But then his master's wife tries to seduce him, and when he flees from her, she has him sent to prison.

Joseph again is successful in the prison, becoming the jailer's right hand man. One day, he interprets the dreams of two of Pharaoh's servants, and they leave him with the hope of being set free. But that doesn't happen, and for two more years, Joseph languishes in prison.

Given all these events, it would have made sense for Joseph to just give up. He certainly had no reason to keep clinging to God. What had following God ever done for him? If it had indeed been God who had given him his dreams of becoming a ruler, then it was nothing more than a cruel joke.

Yet that's not what Joseph does. Instead of allowing these terrible circumstances to harden him, he deepens his connection with God, leaning into his faith and growing his trust. Prior to Egypt, Joseph comes across as selfish and arrogant. After being enslaved, though, something happens. He starts to give glory to God instead of himself. He points people to God's greatness, seeking to honor Him.

Those unfortunate events could have turned Joseph away from God forever. But instead, God used them to show Joseph that He was with him--always.

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