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Safely Saved

“Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:25).

The book of Hebrews was written to a group of Jewish believers who were apparently considering returning to Judaism, abandoning what they had learned about Christ and attempting to bring about their own salvation through works of the law. The anonymous author of Hebrews wrote to them to explain the absolute superiority of Christ. The law was never meant to save, he explains. Rather, salvation has always been brought about by faith. The law was only a temporary solution; the only thing that can truly save us is the sacrificial blood of Jesus.

The author of Hebrews spends several chapters discussing the Levitical priesthood, examining the roles of these Old Testament priests. He points out in chapter 7 that there were many of these priests, because they would eventually die and therefore not be able to remain priests for all time. Thus, their priesthood was incomplete. They could not save others, because they themselves were subject to the same sins and the consequences of those sins. They were imperfect people trying to make peace between equally imperfect people and a holy God. By its very nature, their task was doomed to fail.

But God never intended for the Levitical priesthood to be the means of salvation. Rather, it was a picture of the Great High Priest who was soon to come: Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus’ own sacrificial death paid the price for the sins of all mankind, and when He came back to life, He defeated death, ensuring that His priesthood would remain forever. Because He will never die again, His sacrifice covers all people for all eternity. His blood, poured out once for all, covers all who choose to come under its redeeming power. He is always before God, interceding for us, allowing His righteousness to stand against our sinfulness. His blood will never run dry. His sacrifice is for all time. In Him, we are saved forever!

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