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Review--Truth Cursed


Title: Truth Cursed

Author: Angie Dickinson

Genre: YA Fantasy

Rating: 4/5 stars

FTC Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed herein are entirely my own.

Jane Eyre meets Black Widow in this original fantasy story, filled with intrigue and plot twists and a dash of sweet romance. I haven't read anything quite like this before, and I loved every minute of it!

Characters: I quite enjoyed the characters. I felt so sorry for Cressida, though by the end she more than proved that she can take care of herself, so perhaps my sympathy isn't required? Emric was pretty cool, too (although I don't like his name... sad face).

Content: This one's quite clean. Two characters are obviously attracted to one another, and there are a couple of undetailed kisses. There are some violent sequences, including a somewhat graphic death. A character is attacked. A character was emotionally abused as a child.

Writing: The plot is engaging throughout, but the ending did feel a little too... neat, if that's the right word. Everything resolved itself quite quickly, and I kept waiting for one final plot twist. That didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book, though!

Summary: This is a unique story, with the fascinating concept of telling the truth being a consequence of a curse. It raised a lot of fun thematic questions, making for an unforgettable theme about what truth really is. I highly recommend it for readers aged 14+!


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