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Review--The Coronation


I've had this book downloaded on my Kindle for awhile. I'd started it a couple of times before but never got far, deciding that it just wasn't the right time for it. This summer, though, I resolved to sit down and read it--and I did!

I have so many mixed feelings about this book. It was a good story with great themes and jaw-dropping plot twists. But there are unfortunately a lot of technical errors and stylistic choices that made it difficult for me to really get into the book.

Characters: I did enjoy getting to meet the royal family of Tarsurella! (Also, isn't Tarsurella such a pretty name?) They're a fun bunch of siblings, and it was sweet to see their interactions. I especially loved Millie! She's so cute and fun.

But--and this is probably my biggest issue with the book--they were so American. I've spent most of my life in Europe, so it really bugged me to see the royalty of a supposedly European nation acting no different from your standard American teenagers. It messed with my suspension of disbelief too much. (And yes, that is just a me issue and probably wouldn't bother the majority of readers.)

Content: There are several "romantic" subplots throughout, most not rising above the level of teenage crushes.

SPOILER One girl is brutally abused and nearly raped, but it's not too intense or graphic, and nothing happens. You can tell from the general feel of the book that she's going to be okay. END SPOILER

There's some violence and intense moments, which I wasn't expecting at all! Nothing's graphic, though.

Writing: The story itself is great. I loved the blend of Hallmark and The Princess Diaries, and the themes about trusting God and not following your heart are much needed. But it really just needed a good proofread to weed out the technical errors. The head-hopping also got confusing; it was sometimes hard to figure out whose perspective we were reading from at any given paragraph.

Summary: So, would I recommend this book? I won't say "no." It wasn't quite for me (which is sad, because I was totally sold on the concept!), but it is a good story. I'd recommend it for teen girls who aren't quite so picky as I am and who love Princess Mia, fun sibling dynamics, and the hints of happily-ever-afters.

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