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Review--Grace Sufficient Series


Titles: Unknown, Unworthy, Untold

Series: Grace Sufficient

Author: Vanessa Hall

Genre: Contemporary, Suspense

Rating: 4/5 stars

Believe it or not, I do sometimes read genres other than YA fantasy! A series I recently finished is this set of Christian suspense novels set in Russia. I was quite impressed with these books, from the stellar writing to the solid Christian messages to the riveting plots. And it's set in the country where I've spent the majority of my life, so that's even cooler!

Unknown follows the story of Gabe Kelly, a reluctant American missionary, and Sophia Rykova, a ballerina at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Featuring a tense plot with plenty of faith, it's a great read for ages 13+! You can read my full review here.

Unworthy is about Evgeny Yurlov, a former soloist with the Bolshoi Ballet, and Sasha Dvornikova, a new Christian struggling to believe that she's forgiven. Set during the initiation of Russia's proselytization laws, it has lots of intense moments and plot twists that will keep you invested to the very end. This one also deals with the struggles of letting go of the past, which is such a needed message! You can read my full review here.

And finally, Untold is about Gabe's American cousin, Molly Baird, who's trying to be a missionary to Russia at her father's insistence but deep down doesn't want to be there. Things get interesting when she meets Nikolai Alexandrov, an ex-CIA agent trying to fit in as a Russian citizen, and crazy gunmen send them on a race across Russia. I devoured this book! You can read my full review here.

If you're a fan of Christian suspense with a dash of romance, be sure to check out this series on Amazon!

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