Title: Chromatic
Series: The Color Theory (Book 3)
Author: Ashley Bustamante
Genre: YA Fantasy
Rating: 4/5 stars
FTC Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a review. I was not required to leave a positive review. All thoughts and opinions expressed herein are entirely my own.
What an amazing ending to this delightful series! I’ve been with Ava and Elm from the beginning, and I was quite excited to see how their story ended. This book far exceeded my expectations!
Characters: Ava’s grown up so well. She’s still the same sweet girl we met in Vivid, but she’s now confident in herself and in her friends, leaning on others well. She’s a great heroine and role model!
Elm is still his charming self. It was fun as always to watch him and Ava interact. (And we even get some scenes from his POV this time, which was so fun!)
Content: There’s some violence, on the same level as the previous books. People are injured through fights and generally perilous situations. Some people are brutally killed (though no details are given). Some people have been experimented on and now have gruesome mutations.
Characters kiss a few times (with no details). The romance is so sweet and innocent!
A few characters are said to swear, but we don’t hear the actual words.
Writing: I was hooked from the beginning. The action starts quickly in this one and doesn’t let up until the ending. I would have gladly read it in one sitting if time had permitted! All the character arcs are wrapped up well, and though the ending did feel a little rushed, it was wonderfully satisfying. (Especially the epilogue. Meep.)
Summary: I couldn’t have asked for a better conclusion to the series. It gives us everything we could have hoped for, and as the author wished in her note at the end, I did indeed leave with a satisfied smile. This is a great, clean series perfect for ages 13+!
Chromatic releases on May 7th from Enclave Publishing. You can pre-order your copy here.